Robotic TORS Cadaveric Dissection Course

Date: 3 - 4 July 2024 
Location: Newcastle Surgical Training Centre

Event information: 
Course director: Mr James O’Hara, Consultant Surgeon

Target audience: Trainees ST5 - ST8, Consultants 

Aims and objectives: 
• Become familiar with the function and operation of the da Vinci Surgical system
• Appreciate the ergonomics of the da Vinci Surgical system robot and the available robotic instrumentation
• Perform the standard primary TORS procedure on cadaveric simulation
• Understand the relevant TORS anatomy
• Define the role of TORS in current day head and neck cancer patients
• Understand the benefits and rationale of offering a transoral resection service
• Gain and insight into the pathological assessment of trasnsoral esections
• Understand the adjuvant treatment and schedule following transoral surgery

For further details please contact:
Newcastle Surgical Training Centre
Freeman Hospital
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: +44 (0)191 2138628