Commissioners of plastic surgery in Wales announced this week further restrictions to some plastic surgery procedures which require patients to have a body mass index within the 'normal' range.
Research published today by BAPRAS found that during 2007 almost a quarter of its membership (23%) had to treat patients within in NHS with complications related to cosmetic surgery performed outside of the UK.
Patients are increasingly travelling to other countries but what pressure does this place on already overstretched plastic surgery, accident and emergency and general surgical units in the NHS?
An exhibition at the Camberwell Art College opens showcasing 2,500 recently uncovered drawings of artist Dickie Orpen
A paper published in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, highlights that NHS resources are being used to treat patients who have gone aboard for cosmetic surgery because of deficiencies in post-operative care.
A recent survey of BAPRAS members showed that surgeons were willing to advise patients against surgery when there are unrealistic expectations, or if there are concerns about the patient’s motivation for having surgery.
BAPRAS members comment on whether there should be a lower age limit imposed on plastic surgery procedures
BAPRAS today joined Which? and other patient and professional organisations in opposing government plans to stop regulating cosmetic laser treatments from 1 October 2008
BAPRAS is urging the public to be careful when doing DIY this bank holiday in case they end the weekend minus a finger.
BAPRAS Honorary Secretary, Hamish Laing comments
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