Introduction to the new curriculum for consultants
In December 2021, we received the patient’s case notes for the first microsurgical toe to hand transfer in 1968, as annotated by Cobbett himself.
The new guidelines summarise available evidence for indica- tions, training, technique, audit and outcomes in lipomodelling and also highlight areas for further research.
Due to National Selection interviews, the session titled Sarcoma 1 on Tuesday 22nd March PM will now be taking place on Friday 25th March PM.
The programme for our upcoming Advanced Educational Course in Plastic Surgery 4.8 - Trunk Reconstruction is now available.
The document aims to provide guidance for all BAPRAS members, trustees and employees, regarding professional behaviour during Association activities, including social events.
Owing to the current COVID situation, the 19th edition of the Undergraduate Students Day has been postponed to 25 June 2022.
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