Date: 22 -24 July 2025
Location: Newcastle Surgical Training Centre, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
Course directors:
- Mohamed Reda El Badawey
- Miss Isma Iqbal
- Mr Muhammad Kamaal Khan
Consultant Otolaryngologists
Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals
Target audience:
- ST3 – ST8
- Consultants
- Career Grade Doctors wishing to update their skills
The course includes:
Anatomy, Assessment,
Closed Approach,
Open Approach,
Osteotomy, Nasal
Conchal Grafts,
Rib Grafts,
Tip Surgery,
Extracorporeal Septoplasty,
Face Lift/Brow Lift,
Local Facial Flaps,
Otoplasty, Ethnic Noses (Alar Base
Nasal Reconstruction
Find out more and register:
Tel: +44 (0)191 2138628