The BAPRAS National Teaching Programme has now been replaced by the National Online Learning Programme. Many thanks to all who have made the previous programme such a great success.
From now on the new home of all of the live teaching webinars as well as lots of other content is the PGVLE ( We have over 300 users registered so far and have already put lots of content online.
Please be aware that the timetable of many of the sessions has changed; the timetable on the PGVLE is always the most up to date.
If you haven’t yet registered for the PGVLE then you can do so online at This is open to all Plastic Surgery StRs and equivalents (only NTNs are invited to the live webinars).
If you have already registered using this form but not heard anything then please do not fill out the form again. Instead (and in the event of other issues), contact and we can try to resolve this.