Aidan Rose

Rose, AidanYear of qualification

Current position
SCREDS Clinical Lecturer; University of Dundee
Specialist Trainee in Plastic Surgery; Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit, Glasgow

Alma Mater 
2002     BScHons, University of Edinburgh
2005     MBChB, University of Edinburgh
2016     PhD, University of Dundee. Supervisor: Prof Gareth J Inman
"The Role of Transforming Growth Factor-β Signalling in Human Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma" 

When did you decide to get involved in research and why?
I developed a keen interest in the biology of skin cancer during early specialist training. This motivated my application for a CRUK funded Clinical PhD Fellowship at the Dundee Cancer Centre which began in 2012. I started with the broad goals of expanding my own knowledge of the scientific basis of cancer, learning and developing technical and analytical research skills and ultimately a desire to make a relevant contribution, in some way, to the understanding of keratinocyte cancers.

What is your area of research interest?
The molecular pathogenesis of skin cancer and the role of TGF-β superfamily signalling. More specifically we explore the biological influence these molecular pathways have on skin tumourigenesis and their mechanisms of action. Ultimately the aim is to identify novel therapeutic targets for patients suffering from aggressive forms of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

How have you managed to combine clinical work with research?
I began my PhD after completing ST3. In order to start I applied for out of programme experience for research (OOPR) via my local deanery. During this period I was granted time to maintain clinical experience and skills for half a day/week. After returning to the Scottish Plastic Surgery training programme I obtained a SCREDS (Scottish Clinical Research Excellence Development Scheme) Clinical Lecturer post at the University of Dundee. This provides 20% time for research and 80% for clinical training. In short, combining clinical work
with research is not easy. I have always had the benefit of interested and supportive clinical departments. Integrating clinical resources and data with formal academic work certainly makes this easier. Having reliable mentorship and supervision on both sides of the fence is critical for success.

Funding Sources
Post-doctoral Research Bursary for Clinical Trainees (Cancer Research UK)
Starter Grant for Clinical Lecturers (Academy of Medical Sciences)
Small Research Grant (Tenovus Scotland)
Clinical PhD Research Fellowship – Dundee Cancer Centre (Cancer Research UK)

What are the benefits and challenges of being a clinical academic?
The greatest benefit of being a clinical academic is being able to think freely and focus on a subject matter that you find fascinating. Juggling between clinical commitments and formal research is a hotbed of challenges – the greatest one being time management. Managing your goals/expectations within a realistic time-frame is essential.

Selected Publications
Rose AM
et al. Reduced SMAD2/3 activation independently predicts increased depth of human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget (2018) 9:14552-14566.

Rose AM, Nicoll KJ, Moinie A, Jordan DJ, Evans AT, Proby CM, and Naasan A. Patients with low-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma do not require extended out-patient follow-up. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg (2017) 70:852-855.

Rose AM, Sansom OJ and Inman GJ. Loss of TGF-β receptors drives cSCC from skin stem cells – more evidence. Cell Cycle (2017) 16:386-387.

Cammareri P*, Rose AM* and Vincent DF* et al. Inactivation of TGF-β receptors in skin stem cells drives cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Nature Communications (2016) 7:12493.

Rose AM, Nicoll KJ, Quaba O and Lowrie AG. E-cigarettes - beware of the rocket in your pocket. British Medical Journal (2016) 353:i2712.

(*equal contribution)