JPRAS special collection on breast implants

20th March 2012


The editors and publisher of the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (JPRAS) have launched the ‘JPRAS Special Collection on Breast Implants’. This specially selected collection of archive papers from the journal brings together original research, expert comment, and authoritative reviews that JPRAS hopes will be of interest to surgeons, researchers and patients. Appropriately, included in the collection is the case report by Lahiri and Waters published in 2006 that first identified the spread of silicone to the lymph nodes following rupture of a PIP implant.

To ensure anyone can access these papers, JPRAS is making them freely available to all

Professor Stefan Hofer, Editor in Chief, JPRAS, said: “We hope that many people find the collection useful and informative. In the light of current concerns around the world about breast implants manufactured by the French company PIP we feel this special collection will have particular importance for patients and their families.”

The JPRAS Special Collection on Breast Implants can be viewed at
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