BAPRAS Member Professor Gus McGrouther features on BBC Newsnight to mark the 20th anniversary of the London nail bomb attacks
Medical Student Angus McMillan gives a rundown on the recent BAPRAS Undergraduate Day in London
BAPRAS, ABS, BAAPS & MHRA respond to the ANSM decision to restrict the use of certain types of textured breast implants and polyurethane coated breast implants in France
BAPRAS member Sarah Hemington-Gorse provides an insight into our most recent Advanced Educational Course on Skin Oncology in Manchester
We are now welcoming abstract submissions for this year's Winter Scientific Meeting
We 'look back' at the women who continue to shape plastic surgery
Prestigious Fellowship awarded to BAPRAS member Amit Roshan
Applications now open
Calls for greater regulation discussed in Parliament
“It is disappointing that, in 2019, we are still having to remind large broadcasters of the potential harm caused by glamorising cosmetic surgery”
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